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Zaid Hamid

 Syed Zaiduzzaman Hamid, better known as Zaid Hamid, is a Pakistani security consultant and political commentator.
His byline in newspaper articles has been Zaid Zaman, and he is
currently referred to (on his website and in the media) as "Zaid Hamid".

 Zaid was born in Karachi, in 1964. His father, Col. (Retd) Zaman Hamid has served in the Pakistan Army.
Zaid's early life was spent in Karachi. He received a Bachelor of
Engineering (BE) degree in Computer Systems Engineering from NED University, Karachi in 1980's

Through his TV programmes, Hamid has claimed that a nexus between India's RAW, the CIA and Israel's Mossad is responsible for the destabilization of Pakistan. He also claims that the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, were part of a plan hatched by "Hindu Zionists" and "Western Zionists", and that it was "an attempt by the Indians to stage an attack just like the Americans, who executed the September 11 attacks perfectly".
Hamid also claims that the current economic system and banks are "in the hands of the Zionist Jews    hungry to kill all Muslims". He has also called for Pakistani conquest of India.                                       


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